
Discovering Umbria and Tuscany

A stay for all tastes

Choose Borgo Colognola as a base for your holiday in Umbria and Tuscany.

How many things to discover … Set off to discover Umbria and Tuscany. Choose your ideal way to experience an unforgettable holiday. Trekking along the Tiber river, which from the times of the Etruscans and then the Romans has accompanied many pages of history. By bike you can experience an adventure immersed in nature in the green heart of Italy and discover other interesting aspects, from the more mystical one with Assisi, the city of Saint Francis, or Collevalenza di Todi. You will be able to discover the food and wine routes of Tuscany, along the Trasimeno lake or starting directly from the magnificent Cortona, following the roads of the great Tuscan red wines, not neglecting the art and elegance of Siena and, of course, Florence.

Don’t you love such an active holiday? It doesn’t matter, with the car all the main points of interest can be reached quickly and easily. Not a lover of mainstream destinations? Ok, no problem, there is something for everyone. Have you ever heard of Scarzuola, the “Ideal City” conceived and built between 1958 and 1978 by the Milanese architect Tomaso Buzzi? It is worth doing a Google search to understand what it is. And the Well of San Patrizio in Orvieto? Yes, you may have already heard this. But seeing him live is truly amazing. Instead, the small town of Rasiglia? The natural spas of San Casciano? We could write for days about the little hidden treasures found between Umbria and Tuscany. So, don’t miss your chance, book now your unforgettable holiday in Borgo Colognola. We are waiting for you!

La mia Pasqua 2021 a Borgo Colognola è stata una sorpresa inaspettata. La quiete di quei giorni sembra distante secoli. Non vedo l’ora di poterci tornare con degli amici e andare in giro per l’Umbria per scoprire i tesori nascosti di questa splendida zona d’Italia.

Alex D.

La mia Pasqua 2021 a Borgo Colognola è stata una sorpresa inaspettata. La quiete di quei giorni sembra distante secoli. Non vedo l’ora di poterci tornare con degli amici e andare in giro per l’Umbria per scoprire i tesori nascosti di questa splendida zona d’Italia.

Alex D.